Erasmus+ (Europe) is an exchange programme for study periods at European universities.

enlarge the image:
Erasmus+ allows you to study at a European partner university for one or two semesters. The picture shows a detail from a Chemical laboratory at Uppsala University, Sweden. (photo: Emily Kruckenberg)

The Advantages

  • Support for study periods up to 12 months at a partner university including waiver of tuition fees and option of a mobility grant
  • Credits earned abroad can be transferred to your studies in Leipzig
  • Countries of destination: 27 EU countries and furthr European non-EU states


  • You are planning to study at a partner university in one of the 27 EU countries or in other possible non-EU European countries.
  • You are enrolled on a degree or doctoral programme at our university.
  • You have the required knowledge of the language of instruction at the partner university or it is likely that you will reach the required language level before the semester abroad. 

An Erasmus+ exchange lasts at least two calendar months, usually one semester or a whole academic year. At Master's level, a semester abroad is recommendable for the third semester. 

You can receive Erasmus+ funding several times in each study cycle (bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, doctoral studies) and in any degree programme. Erasmus+ is open to everyone, regardless of where you come from. Mobile students are considered to be full-time students and should complete a number of credits proportional to the duration of their mobility.

Apply for an Erasmus+ Study Period Abroad (Europe) 2025/26

If you plan to complete one or two semesters at one of our partner universities in Europe, you will find a list of our exchange places below along with essential information on how to apply and how to proceed:

We have agreed exchange places with the following partner universities. Further details such as the number and study level of the exchange places as well as the required language skills can be found on the Study Abroad Portal. There you can filter by subject and/or country as well as exchange programme.

 Partner UniversityStudy Level
AustriaTechn. University ViennaBachelor, Master, PhD studies
BelgiumUniversity of AntwerpBachelor, Master
FranceUniversity of LilleMaster, PhD studies
University Grenoble Alpes (subject to change)Bachelor, Master
FinnlandUniversity of HelsinkiBachelor, Master
IrelandDublin City UniversityBachelor, (Master), PhD studies
ItalyUniversity of BolognaBachelor, Master
NorwayUniversity of BergenMaster, PhD studies
PolandUniversity of GdanskBachelor, Master, PhD studies
Polytechn. University GdanskBachelor, Master
Jagiellonian University, KrakowMaster, PhD studies
PortugalNOVA University LisbonBachelor, Master
RomaniaBabeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-NapocaBachelor, Master, PhD studies
SwedenUmeå UniversityBachelor, Master, PhD studies
Uppsala UniversityBachelor, Master
SerbiaUniversity of BelgradeMaster, PhD studies
SlowakiaSlovak University of Technology in BratislavaMaster
SpainUniversity of BurgosBachelor, Master, PhD studies
Complutense University of  MadridBachelor, Master
TurkeyBogaziçi Üniversity, IstanbulBachelor, Master, PhD studies
UKCardiff UniversityBachelor, (Master)


  • Application form, please include if you wish to be abroad for the first half of the academic year ("WS"), the second half of the academic year ("SS") or both for two semesters ("WS und SS").
  • Transcript of Records (you can ask for this document at the Office of Study Affairs, Annegret Cornehl)
  • Overview of exams you plan to take this semester as well as the semester(s) until your stay abroad (if not part of the Transcript of Records)
  • Language certificate: for students of the M.Sc. Structural Chemistry and Sprectroscopy a certificate is required if the language of instruction at your host institution is not English; for other languages of instruction please provide certificates. The University's Language Centre offers language proficiciency assessment and certification.
  • Written statement (in English): The statement is part of your full application. It is meant to help you consider crucial points at the very beginning of your endeavor. Please elaborate shortly on the following points using half to one page bearing the date and your signature: which classes do you plan to take at the your two most favored host Universities; how do you intend to have your study period abroad recognized for your studies at Leipzig University; is the study period abroad likely to prolong/ to not prolong your studies at Leipzig University.

Please submit your application in full via email to:

Annegret Cornehl
Office of Study Affairs
Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy
Johannisallee 29, Room 130, 04103 Leipzig


Please submit your full application until 15 January 2025

Have you missed the application deadline?

Please contact Annegret Cornehl at the Office of Study Affairs to find out if a late application for remaining places is advisable.

  • Proficiency in the language of instruction at the level specified by the partner university (consult the Study Abroad Portal)
  • advancement in your course of studies; your stay abroad should fit within your study progress and should not unduly extend your studies
  • grade point average (GPA), if needed
  • Nomination to the host university through the Office of Study Affairs
  • You will need to apply to your host university.
  • You will need to apply for Erasmus+ grant through the International Centre (deadlines are given on Leipzig University's webpages on the Erasmus+ programme)
  • No later than eight weeks prior to your semester abroad, please arrange your Learning Agreement with the Erasmus+ departmental coordinator Prof. Dr. Reinhard Denecke. This agreements lists the classes you will take at your host university and determines how you will be able to transfer the credits you earned there. You will need to set up your Learning Agreemint in the online platform moveon. To start please contact the Erasmus+ departmental coordination by email

If you are holding a nationality other than German, you might have to apply for a visa or comply with other migration regulations for studying at one of our Erasmus+ partner universities. This is especially true for stays in countries outside the European Union such as Turkey, the UK. Please make sure to obtain the relevant information ahead of time, e. g. through your country's embassy or the partner university's website. 

Migration rules for the UK on Cardiff University's website

During your stay, you are asked to submit further documents to the International Centre. You can find more details on the central Erasmus+ study websites.

If your study programme changes, for example because there are overlapping classes, you can modify the Learning Agreement during the first six weeks of your semester abroad. The Erasmus+ subject coordinator Prof. Dr. Reinhard Denecke will have to confirm the changes (contact via the email to Erasmus+ departmental coordination Chemistry).

If you have any questions about your studies during your stay, please contact Annegret Cornehl at the Office of Study Affairs at the Faculty of Chemistry and Minralogy. If you have questions about Erasmus+ funding, the staff of the International Centre will help you.

After completing your stay abroad, you can have your achievements credited to your degree programme. To do so, simply send an email with the Transcript of Records of your host university as well as the pre-completed form for the results of the recognition to the service address of the Erasmus+ Subject Coordination Chemistry (see form collection "Key Forms" in the download area of this web page).

Please also take note of any further steps that may be communicated to you by Leipzig University's International Centre.

Using Erasmus+ for several trips abroad

  • Allotment of 12 months of studies abroad per course of studies (Bachelor/Master)
  • Additional 12 months during the completion of your doctorate
  • The allotment can be individually split between Erasmus+ internships and studies,
    e.g. for studying one semester each at two different partner universities OR studying for one semester at a partner university and completing a 6 month internship in the same/different country
  • Go abroad after graduating, e.g. by completing an Erasmus+ internship abroad within in a year after your graduation. Befor taking your degree, make sure to hand in your letter of intent to the International Centre. Learn more.

Flexible-Field Study Exchange Places in Networks (Utrecht Network and Arqus) 2025/26

Leipzig University is a member of the European university networks ARQUS and Utrecht Network. You can find an overview of the exchange places on the central website for flexible-field exchange places.

If you intend to apply for an exchange place at a network university, you must first be nominated by the departmental coordinator of our Faculty, Prof. Dr. Reinhard Denecke. For this purpose, please submit the application documents as described above for the Erasmus+ application electronically to Annegret Cornehl in the Office of Student Affairs within the application deadline for an Erasmus+ place (15 January 2025). According to the selection criteria, your application will be reviewed and - if suitable - your nomination will then be forwarded to the International Centre for you to finalise your application. All further steps as well as additional information are explained for you on the central website for subject-flexible exchange places.


Useful webpages provided by the International Centre

Contacts for advice

Initial Advice | Annegret Cornehl

Johannisallee 29, Room 130
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 36004

Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator Reinhard Denecke

Linnéstraße 2
04103 Leipzig

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