Institute of Organic Chemistry


All events take place in the small lecture hall 015, Johannisallee 29, 04103 Leipzig.

  • Tue., 09.01.2024, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Dorota Gryko - Pol. Academy of Science, Warschau
  • Tue., 16.01.2024, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Dr. Rob Webster - Bayer AG
  • Thur., 25.01.2024, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Prof. Dr. Joseph Moran - University of Strasbourg
  • Tue., 09.04.2024, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Prof. Olalla Vazquez - Universität Marburg
  • Thu., 02.05.2024, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Prof. David C. Powers - Texas A&M University
  • Tue., 14.05.2024, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Prof. Dr. Hermann A. Wegner - Universität Gießen
  • Tue., 11.06.2024, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Prof. Dr. Svetlana Tsogoeva - Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen
  • Tue., 15.10.2024, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Prof. Tomáš Slanina - Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences Praha
  • Tue., 10.12.2024, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Prof. Dr. Thomas Lindel - TU Braunschweig
  • Cancelled due to Illness. - Tue., 14.01.2025, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Prof. Jana Roithova - Cancelled due to Illness.
  • Tue., 04.02.2025, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Prof. John Molloy - MPI Potsdam
  • Tue., 10.01.2023, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Prof. Dr. Daniele Leonori - RWTH Aachen
  • Mon., 17.04.2023, 1430 Small Lecture Hall 015: Prof. Dr. Siegfried Waldvogel - Universität Mainz - „Electrosynthesis - from versatility to complex structures”
  • Tue., 16.05.2023, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Prof. Mario Waser  - Universität Linz - „Chiral onium species for asymmetric organocatalysis”
  • Tue., 06.06.2023, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Prof. Dr. Abby Doyle  - University of California/Los Angeles
  • Tue., 11.07.2023, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Dr. Golo Storch  - TU Munich
  • Tue., 18.07.2023, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Prof. Alison Wendlandt  - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston 
  • Tue., 14.11.2023, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Chris Teskey - RWTH Aachen
  • Tue., 28.11.2023, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Dr. David Leboeuf - Université de Strasbourg
  • Tue., 25.01.2022, 17oo via Zoom:  Prof. Dr. Peter Metz - Technische Universität Dresden
  • Tue., 10.05.2022, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Dr. Jola Pospech - Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse Rostock - "Development and Application of Heteroaromatic Photoredox Catalysts"
  • Tue., 07.06.2022, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Prof. Sven Schneider - Universität Göttingen
  • Tue., 25.10.2022, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Dr. Andrea Pannwitz - Universität Ulm - “Creating artificial photosystems with lipid bilayers”
  • Tue., 27.10.2022, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Prof. Dr. Tanja Gulder - Universität Leipzig - “Halogen Atoms as Directing Tool: From Chemical Reactivity to Bioactive Compounds and Diagnostics"
  • Tue., 08.11.2022, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Prof. Dr. Rolf Breinbauer - TU Graz
  • Tue., 15.11.2022, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Prof. Dr. Cristina Nevado - Universität Zürich - “Radical Photocatalyzed Cascades…with a Smile(s:-)”
  • Tue., 29.11.2022, 17oo Small Lecture Hall 015: Prof. Uli Kazmaier - Universität des Saarlands
  • Tue., 09.11.2021, 17oo     Prof. Dr. Paolo Melchiorre - ICIQ Tarragona - Spain
  • Mo., 06.12.2021:              Dr. Volker Derdau - Sanofi Frankfurt  (Im Rahmen des GRK 2464 123H)


Here you can find everything about the professorships in organic chemistry and their research interests.


Students of the University Leipzig can find all available modules in the field of organic chemistry here. For detailed information, please refer to the corresponding schedules. For more specific questions, feel free to contact the specified person.

  • Chemie der organischen Stoffklassen
    (2nd semester Bachelor Chemie, 13-111-0331-N),
    responsible person: Prof. Dr. Kirsten Zeitler
  • Organisch-chemische Reaktionsmechanismen
    (3rd semester Bachelor Chemie, 13-111-0341-N), 
    responsible person: Prof. Dr. Kirsten Zeitler
  • Schlüsselreaktionen der organischen Synthese
    (4th + 5th semester Bachelor Chemie, 13-111-0351-N), 
    responsible person: Prof. Dr. Tanja Gulder
  • Moderne Aspekte der Organischen Chemie
    (mandatory in Master Chemie SoSe, 13-121-0325), 
    responsible person: Prof. Dr. Tanja Gulder
  • Photochemie und Photokatalyse 
    (choice in Master Chemie SoSe, 13-121-02299), 
    responsible person: Prof. Dr. Kirsten Zeitler
  • Chemische Biologie 
    (choice in Master Chemie/ Biochemie SoSe, 13-121-0324/ 13-BCH-0814), 
    responsible person: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Berg
  • Reaktivität in der Organischen Chemie 
    (choice in Master Chemie WiSe, 13-121-0318), 
    responsible person: Prof. Dr. Kirsten Zeitler
  • Chemie der Naturstoffe
    (7th semester Lehramt Chemie, 13-221-0331 (GYM), 13-223-0331 (OS, SP)), 
    responsible person: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Berg
  • Chemie der Farbstoffe und Tenside 
    (8th semester Lehramt Chemie, 13-221-0331 (GYM), 13-223-0331 (OS, SP)), 
    responsible person: Dr. Kathrin Bellmann-Sickert
  • Organische Chemie I + II
    (1st + 3rd semester Bachelor Biochemie, 13-BCH-0205 + 13-BCH-0310),
    responsible person: Prof. Dr. Kirsten Zeitler


  • OC-Grundpraktikum
    (Organisch-chemische Reaktionsmechanismen, 3rd semester Bachelor Chemie, 13-111-0341-N), responsible person:
    Dr. Marcel Sickert
  • OC-Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum
    (Schlüsselreaktionen der organischen Synthese, 4th semester Bachelor Chemie, 13-111-0351-N), responsible person:
    Dr. Martin Kretzschmar
  • Blockpraktikum Chemie der Naturstoffe, Farbstoffe und Tenside
    (7th semester Lehramt Chemie, 13-221-0331 (GYM), 13-223-0331 (OS, SP)), 
    responsible person: Dr. Kathrin Bellmann-Sickert

Former Groups

Here you can find all former Professors of the Institute of Organic Chemistry, who are working somewhere else by now or retired.

Manfred Weißenfels (until 1993)

Manfred Mühlstedt (until 1993)

Siegfried Hauptmann (until 1996)

Klaus Schulze (until 1999)

Peter Welzel (until 2002)

Klaus Burger (until 2003) 

Horst Wilde (until 2004)

Bärbel Schulze (until 2007)

Dieter Sicker (until 2019)


Prof. Dr. Thorsten Berg

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Berg


Johannisallee 29
04103 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 9736527

 Katrin Hengst

Katrin Hengst

Secretary's office

Johannisallee 29, Room 164
04103 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-36550
Telefax: +49 341 97-36599

Our institute is located in the main building of the Faculty for Chemistry and Mineralogy. You can reach us by public transportation (lines 2, 16, 60).