Latest news from the faculty


New method developed to isolate HIV particles

Researchers at Leipzig University and Ulm University have developed a new method to isolate HIV from samples more easily, potentially making it easier to detect infection with the virus. They focus on peptide nanofibrils (PNFs) on magnetic microparticles, a promising tool and hybrid material for…


Charged “molecular beasts” the basis for new compounds

Mass spectrometers are high-tech machines that play an important role in our society. They are highly sensitive analytical instruments that are indispensable in areas such as medical diagnostics, food quality control and the detection of hazardous chemical substances. The research group led by Dr…


Multi-million funding for joint Collaborative Research Centre of Leipzig University and Chemnitz University of Technology

Great news at Leipzig University and Chemnitz University of Technology: the German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved an application from the two Saxon universities for a joint Collaborative Research Centre / Transregio. The scientists will carry out research on the topic of hyperpolarization in…


Researchers develop new method to synthesise cannabis plant compound

A group of researchers at Leipzig University has developed a new method for synthesising cis-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) – a natural substance found in the cannabis plant that produces the characteristic psychoactive effect and has many potential applications, including in the pharmaceutical…


Enzyme that breaks down PET plastic: Leipzig scientists increase efficiency

One of the most widely used plastics in the world is polyethylene terephthalate, or PET for short. It is everywhere in our daily lives in the form of reusable PET drinks bottles. At the end of the lifecycle of a product containing PET, the environmentally friendly reuse of the PET components through…


Researchers find access to new fluorescent materials

Fluorescence is a fascinating natural phenomenon. It is based on the fact that certain materials can absorb light of a certain wavelength and then emit light of a different wavelength. Fluorescent materials play an important role in our everyday lives, for example in modern screens. Due to the high…



Promotionsverteidigung Maximilian Schneider

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Study mentally fit. The online forum for you

Study well. Surviving crises. Live happily. Is that possible? And how! The prevention programme "Psychologically fit studying" offers exciting facts and figures about studying and mental well-being.

The event will be held in German.