Unten finden Sie unsere Gruppenfotos, nähere Informationen über Tanja sowie eine Liste aller aktuellen und ehemaligen Gruppenmitglieder.
Über Tanja
- Since 1/2024: Full Professor (W3), Organic Chemistry, Saarland University, Germany
- Since 11/2023: Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS)
- 1/2020 – 9/2024: Full Professor (W3) of Organic Chemistry/Biomimetic Catalysis, Leipzig University, Germany
- 1/2018–12/2019: Heisenberg-Professor for Biomimetic Catalysis, Department of Chemistry and Catalysis Research Center, TU Munich
- 6/2014–12/2017: Junior-Research-Group Leader, Department Chemie, TU München, Germany
- 9/2010–5/2014: Junior-Research-Group Leader, Institute of Organic Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University, Germany (maternity leave 08/2013-11/2013)
- 5/2008–8/2010: Postdoctoral-Research Associate with Prof. Dr. P. S. Baran, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA
- 3/2004–3/2008: PhD Thesis with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. G. Bringmann, Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Würzburg, Germany
- 5/2003–2/2004: Diploma Thesis with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. G. Bringmann, Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Würzburg, Germany
Further Engagements:
- since 2023: Member of the Senate and the Granting Committee for Research Training Groups (DFG)
- since 2023: Ordenary Member of the Saxonian Academy of Science
- since 2023: Advisory Board Member Chemical Science (RSC)
- 2023-2024: Guest Editor for the Special Issue “Hypervalent Halogen Chemistry”, Beilstein Journal of Organic Synthesis
- since 2022: Expert:innen-Pool Center for the Transformation of Chemistry (CTC)
- since 2022: Mentor for Junior-Professor J. Westermayr, Leipzig University
- since 2021: Vice-Speaker Research Training Group 2721 ‘Hydrogen Isotopes’ (DFG)
- since 2021: Advisory Board Member PREPARE Project ‘BioLIGHT’, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
- 2020 - 2023: Member of the committee for Digital Teaching at Leipzig University
- 2020 - 2023: Mentor for female postdoctoral researchers within the Leipzig University t.e.a.m program
- 2016 - 2019: Mentoring within the TUM Graduate School and the TUM Talent Factory
- 2013 - 2023: Member of the Research Fellowship Committee, Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation, Bonn
- Member of the organizing committee for the conference ‘International Hyperpolarization Conference HYP23’, ‘Industry meets Academia 2017’ and the 53rd PhD Workshop ‘Natural Products: Chemistry, Biology and Ecology’
- Regular reviewer for scientific Journals (Nature, Science, Wiley, ACS, RSC, Thieme, Elsevier)
- Member of the FREQ-Network of Female Liebig Scholars
- 2023: Fluorine Publication Prize (GDCh)
- 2023: Offer Full Professorship (W3) Organic Chemistry, TU Dresden (declined)
- 2020 – 2023: Professorinnen-Programm III, BMBF
- 2019: ChemBioTalent
- 2017: CIPSMwomen Fund
- 2017: Heisenberg-Professorship ‚Biomimetische Katalyse‘ (DFG)
- 2017: Offer Associate Professorship (W3) Organic Chemistry, University of Heidelberg (declined)
- 2016: CIPSMwomen Fund
- 2015: BASF Creator Space Science Symposium Award
- 2015: Award of the Dr. Otto-Röhm-Gedächtnisstiftung
- 2014 – 2019: Member of the Excellence Cluster CiPSM
- 2013 – 2022: Emmy-Noether Fellowship of the DFG
- 2013: JSP fellowship for the Bürgenstock conference
- Since 2012: Member of the Fast-Track-Program for Excellent Women in Science, Robert-Bosch Foundation
- 2012: Thieme Journals Award
- 2010 – 2013: Liebig Fellowship of the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie
- 2009 – 2010: Research Fellowship of the DFG
- 2008: Award for an excellent PhD Thesis of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of Wuerzburg
- 2008 – 2009: Postdoctoral Fellowship of the DAAD
- 2007: Klaus-Grohe Award for Medicinal Chemistry of the GDCh
- 2006 – 2007: PhD Fellowship University of Wuerzburg
- 2004 – 2006: PhD Fellowship of the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie
Aktuelle Mitglieder
- Dr. Shangze Wu - Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
- Dr. Aarón Gutiérrez Collar - Sygnature Discovery
- Dr. Maciej Stodulski - Polish Academy of Science
- Dr. Ayan Dasgupta - Cardiff University
PhD Students
- Dr. Binbin Liu - Henan Institute of Science and Technology
- Dr. Julia Binder - Syngenta Crop Protection AG
- Dr. Andreas Arnold - Lundbeck
- Qingqi Zhao - Roche
- Dr. Gabriel Kiefl - Patentantwaltskanzlei Maiwald GmbH
- Dr. Jaroslaw Marciniszyn - DiaSorin Deutschland GmbH
- Dr. Wanying Wang - Suzhou Novartis Pharma Technology Co., Ltd
- Dr. Catharina Seel - Gen-Plus
- Dr. Christoph Brunner - Rudolf GmbH
- Dr. Christoph Patzelt - TUMForte
- Dr. Anna Andries - Merck
- Dr. Stefanie Kohlhepp - Stockholm University
Master Students
- Georg Fischer
- Simon Cardia
- Stefanie Tympel
- Jonathan Lebelt
- Christian Lucht
- Verena Kasimir
- Tobias Theiss
- Vu Hoai-Thuong Tran
- Simon Schmidt
- Nick Neuling
- Veronika Burger
- Manuel Seitz
- Markus Müller
- Simon Vogt
- Petra Bestler
- Julia Binder
- Michael Röhrl
- Jaroslaw Marciniszyn
- Stefanie Mayr
- Andreas Arnold
- Christoph Brunner
- Tobias Gmelch
- Qingqi Zhao
- Ugur Kaya
- Jens Mrozcok
- Stefanie Kohlhepp
- Christoph Patzelt
- Server Uzungelis
- Stefanie Hörner