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Nuclear wave-packet dynamics for a single isotopologue of the neutral silver dimer are studied using femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy providing accurate vibrational information as well as new insights into the excitation mechanism.

The nuclear quantum dynamics on the ground electronic state of the neutral silver dimer 107Ag109Ag are studied by femtosecond (fs) pump–probe spectroscopy using the ‘negative ion – to neutral – to positive ion’ (NeNePo) excitation scheme. A vibrational wave packet is prepared on the electronic ground state of Ag2 via photodetachment of mass-selected, cryogenically cooled Ag2 using a first ultrafast pump laser pulse. The temporal evolution of the wave packet is then probed by an ultrafast probe pulse via resonant multiphoton
ionization to Ag2+. Frequency analysis of the fs-NeNePo spectra obtained for a single isotopologue and pump–probe delay times up to 60 ps yields the harmonic, quadratic anharmonic and cubic anharmonic constants for the ground state of neutral Ag2. The fs-NeNePo spectra obtained at different pump wavelengths provide insight into the excitation mechanism. At a pump wavelength of 510 nm instead of 1010 nm, resonant excitation of a short-lived electronically excited state of the anion followed by autodetachment results in population of higher-energy vibrational levels of the neutral ground state. In contrast, at 1140 nm dynamics with a slightly shorter beating period and different relative phase are observed. The present study demonstrates that isotopologue-specific fs-NeNePo spectroscopy provides accurate vibrational constants of massselected neutral clusters in their electronic ground state in the terahertz spectral region, which remains difficult to obtain directly in the frequency domain with any other type of spectroscopy of comparable sensitivity.

Phys Chem. Chem. Phys.  2023

DOI: 10.1039/d3cp02055j