A special feature of our faculty is the large number of associations that enliven everyday life at the faculty for staff and students. On this page, the associations of our faculty introduce themselves.

enlarge the image: Abschlussfeuerwerk der Weihnachtsvorlesung
enlarge the image: Tanz des Chemieelferrats

The association "Friends of the Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy" was founded in 2002. The association promotes excellent students and graduates and forms a link between (former) faculty members and students.


Friends of the Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy is an association of members, graduates and alumni of the Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy as well as individuals, associations of persons, bodies and institutions interested in promoting chemistry and mineralogy.


The aim of the association is to support and promote the Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy at the Leipzig University in its tasks and to maintain contact with it.


The promotion of the sciences of chemistry and mineralogy at the Faculty is the main task of the association. This promotion takes place by

  • Maintaining contact with and between graduates and alumni of the Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy including its predecessor institutions,
  • Public relations in the form of publications, lectures, excursions and other events and popularisation of faculty events, especially within the region,
  • Maintaining links with schools in support of science education and advertising the study of chemistry and mineralogy, including postgraduate studies at Alma Mater Lipsiensis,
  • Promoting the humanistic-mental-cultural climate and international relations of the Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy; and
  • Involvement of the seniors and the students.

Board of Directors

Funktion Person
Speaker Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Lothar Beyer
Deputy Speaker Dr. Jürgen Böhm
Management Maximilian Preuß, M.Sc.
  Marika Kandler, M.Sc.
Finance Dr. Christian Richter
Dean Prof. Dr. Roger Gläser

Laureates 2023

Arthur Hantzsch Award for the best students of the first year of study:

  • Tim Bastian Enders

Ernst Beckmann Award for the best graduates of the Bachelor's programme:

  • Frederik Laurin Walter

Hermann Kolbe Award for the best graduates of the Master's programme:

  • Florian Reßnik
  • Katharina Ueltzen

Julius Wagner Award for the best graduates of the teacher study programme:

  • Elisabeth Häcker
  • Sophie Kuhlmann

Book awards for very good performance during studies

  • David Dzialas
  • Tom Pfandt
  • Mara Anna Wolniewicz
  • Alexander Erath
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Freundeskreis der Fakultät für Chemie und Mineralogie

Johannisallee 29
04103 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-32097

1952 – 2. Parteikonferenz der SED in Ostberlin mit dem Ziel eines „planmäßigen Ausbau des Sozialismus“ und der „Sowjetisierung“ der Gesellschaft findet statt.

1953 – Die DDR erklärt dieses Jahr zum offiziellen Karl-Marx-Jahr; am 17. Juni kommt es zum Volksaufstand.

1954 – Das Geburtsjahr der Chemie Weihnachtsvorlesung Leipzig! Damals schlossen sich verschiedenste Angehörige des Instituts für Chemie in der Liebigstraße 18 zusammen, um den Menschen humoristisch, spannend und lehrreich die Stimmung vor Weihnachten zu versüßen. Es flogen Raketen durch den Hörsaal, die Chemie zeigte sich von ihrer schönsten und atemberaubendsten Seite und versetzte Jung und Alt Jahr für Jahr wieder aufs Neue in Staunen. Seit diesen bescheidenen Anfängen ist bereits über ein halbes Jahrhundert vergangen. Der Geburtsort, die Mitwirkenden und viele Experimente haben seitdem gewechselt, doch der Geist der vergangenen Weihnachtsvorlesung ist in den Herzen der Menschen erhalten geblieben. Es war bereits damals und ist auch heute noch eine Experimentalvorlesung der Extraklasse und ein Spektakel der ganz besonderen Art. Und solange die Welt nicht untergeht, wird das auch so bleiben!



Johannisallee 29
04103 Leipzig

Chemiker, wo seid ihr?

Der Chemieelferrat ist einer von neun studentischen Elferräten in Leipzig und mit seiner über 50-jährigen Tradition einer der Ältesten. Früher genutzt, um in humorvoller Manier auf Probleme in der DDR aufmerksam zu machen, war der Chemieelferrat sogar zeitweise verboten. Heute ist der Chemieelferrat integrativer Bestandteil der Chemiefakultät. Traditionell richtet er am 11.11. die als „kleiner Fasching“ bekannte Faschingsvorlesung sowie im Januar den großen Chemiefasching aus. Ein Faschingsprogramm setzt sich aus Sketchen, Tänzen, Filmen, Mediabeiträgen, Musik und vielem mehr zusammen. Jeder kann sowohl auf als auch abseits der Bühne kreativ werden und eine schöne Abwechslung zum Studienalltag finden. Darüber hinaus organisieren wir zusammen mit der Destille und dem FSR das Juniwiesenfest (ein großes Volleyballtunier für Studierende), sind bei der Ersti-Woche und Ersti-Fahrt dabei, beim Fakultätsfest und vielen, vielen weiteren Veranstaltungen. Der Chemieelferrat ist stark mit Destille, FSR und JCF, aber auch den anderen Elferräten der anderen Fakultäten vernetzt. Sein Maskottchen ist das Matuffli – jeder Elferrätler besitzt sein eigenes, spezielles Matuffli.

Bist du neugierig geworden? Dann komm montags, um 20:00 Uhr, in die Destille! Oder sprich einfach eine der vielen Personen in den schwarz-gelben Jacken an! Wir freuen uns auf dich!

enlarge the image: Abschlussfoto Chemiefasching 2020, Foto: Niklas Junger
Abschlussfoto Chemiefasching 2020, Foto: Niklas Junger
 Chemieelferrat Leipzig e.V

Chemieelferrat Leipzig e.V

Philipp-Rosenthal-Straße 31
04103 Leipzig

The young members of the German Chemical Society (GDCh) are represented by the JungChemikerForum (JCF). The JCFs are organized as regional forums and nearly every German University offering a study programme in Chemistry has a JCF group.

Within the JCF Leipzig we organize scientific lectures, excursions to chemical companies and other events such as the 3MT (3-minute Thesis). Of course, we are also involved in the Long Night of Science and the summer festival of the faculty. Our main task is to establish connectivity between university, industry and society. In addition, we have a strong focus on networking so as to shape fruitful connections for your future career.

The JCF Leipzig comprises bachelor students, master students and PhD students. We usually meet every second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm. Currently, due to the circumstances, we have to hold our meetings online. Before the pandemic, we usually got together in a sociable round in the free-work area of our faculty and our meetings were also gladly combined with barbecues in the park in summer. Hopefully, we can return to this modus operandi in the near future. Of course, we are always happy to welcome new faces. If you are interested and would like to catch a glimpse of one of our meetings (currently still online), simply send us an email to jcf(at)chemie.uni-leipzig.de. We would be delighted to hear from you.

You can also follow us on Instagram @jcf_leipzig and on Facebook @JCF.Leipzig where you can stay up to date with current and upcoming events.

enlarge the image: Group photo of the JungChemikerForum Leipzig, Photo: JCF Leipzig
Group photo of the JungChemikerForum Leipzig, Photo: JCF Leipzig
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JungChemikerForum Leipzig

Johannisallee 29
04103 Leipzig

When you hear the term „Destille” in Leipzig, it is neither a reaction vessel nor a similar sounding techno-club in the Südvorstadt. The name Destille belongs to our cozy pub in the basement of the student residence right next to the Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy.

The members of the Destille have been running this retreat for students and non-students on a voluntary basis in the said dormitory since the 2000s and we always try our best to ensure that our guests can relax after a busy day at the university, in the lab or at work.

Our association was founded by a group of mineralogists in 1976. Nowadays it belongs to one of the oldest student associations of Leipzig. Our mineralogical background probably explains many of our traditions, such as singing the Steiger at 0 o´clock or celebrating the traditional erzgebirgischen Hutzenabend before Christmas. Here you can meet not only students of chemistry, but students of all disciplines, young people as well as occasional lecturers who want to enjoy their well-deserved after-work beer.

From 8 pm every Tuesday and Wednesday, you can make new contacts, exchange news, reminisce, play cards, and enjoy tasty (draught) beer and other alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks at student prices. As befits a chemistry club, the flask not only adorns our club flag, but is also used when we “concoct” our specialty shot “007” for you. A challenge you should definitely take on during a visit.

In addition to our regular opening hours, we organize various major events as highlights of the semester, partly together with our friends from other student associations and Elferräten. Look forward to semester opening parties, faculty party, cocktail evenings, and the volleyball tournament at the Juniwiesenfest.

Would you like to stand behind the bar with us, get involved and become part of our little family? Then you are more than welcome to come to our regular meetings on Tuesdays at 7 pm at our premises. (Outside of the lecture period we only open at Wednesday)


We look forward to seeing you,

Your Destille

enlarge the image: Group photo Destille, Photo: Destille Leipzig
Group photo Destille, Photo: Destille Leipzig
 Studentenclub Destille e.V.

Studentenclub Destille e.V.

Philipp-Rosenthal-Straße 31
04103 Leipzig

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