Introducing of the Junior Research Group
Junior Research Group Leader
01/2020-: Junior Research Group Leader (Freigeist-Fellowship)
Wilhelm-Ostwald-Institut, University Leipzig (D)
01/2019-12/2019: Coming home fellowship, A.v.H. (AK Asmis)
Wilhelm-Ostwald-Institut, University Leipzig (D)
02/2018-12/2018: Postdoc
Feodor-Lynen Fellowship (A.v.H.) with J. Laskin Department of Chemistry, Purdue University (USA)
03/2016-01/2018: Postdoc
Feodor-Lynen Fellowship (A.v.H.) with J. Laskin Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA)
03/2015-01/2016: Scientific staff member
Institute for Applied and Physical Chemistry, University of Bremen (D)
01/2012-03/2015: Doctoral Studies in Physical Chemistry (with P. Swiderek)
Institute for Applied and Physical Chemistry, University of Bremen (D)
2009-2011: M.Sc. Material Science, University of Bremen (D)
2006-2009: B.Sc. Chemie, University of Bremen (D)
2006: Abitur, Kolleg St. Thomas, Vechta (D)
Scientific staff member
- 1994 to 2001: Städtisches Gymnasium Prenzlau
- 2001 to 2002: Military service
- 2002 to 2009: Study in Physics at the TU Berlin
- 2009: Diploma in Physics, topic: "Spectroscopic characterization of clusters with cationic benzene derivatives"
- 2009 to 2013: Employed in a surveying company.
- 2014 to 2020: Scientific staff and doctoral student at the Wilhelm-Ostwald-Institute at Leipzig University, topic of dissertation: "Probing Vibrational Anharmonicity of Hydrogen Bonds in Solvated Ion-Complexes by Gas-Phase Infrared Spectroscopy."
- 2020: Currently finishing dissertation.
- 2004 to 2011: Secondary School Osterholz-Scharmbeck, General Qualification for University Entrance
- 2011 to 2016: Studies in Chemistry (University of Bremen)
- 2014: B.Sc. in Chemistry, Topic: „Vibrational Spectroscopy of Cisplatin and its Electron-Induced Decomposition“
- 2016: M.Sc. in Chemistry, Topic: „Electron-Induced Deposition of Organometallic FEBID Precursors and Purification with Water and Ammonia“
- 2016 to 2021: PhD Studies at the Institute for Applied and Physical Chemistry (IAPC, University of Bremen); Topic: „Novel Purification Methods for Electron-induced Deposition (FEBID)“
12/2020-today: Scientific staff at the Wilhelm-Ostwald-Institute at Leipzig University with a focus on functional nanofabrication with layers obtained from mass-selected ions
Group assistant
- 1998: Abitur and start of training to become “laboratory assistant“ at Leipzig University.
- 2002 - 2024: laboratory assistant at the Wilhelm-Ostwald-Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
- 2002 to 2006: Advanced training to become certified chemical technician at the institute for “Lernsysteme” Hamburg and the “Heinrich-Hertz-Berufskolleg” Düsseldorf
- 2013 to 2015: Distance education “Laser technique“ at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
- since April 2024 technical assistant at the Wilhelm-Ostwald-Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
- since May 2021 member of the extended Senate of the University of Leipzig as a non-academic staff member
Doctoral researchers
- 2012: Abitur at Wittstock Gymnasium
- 2017: Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, University of Leipzig
- 2018 - 2019: Erasmus semester, Cardiff University
- 2021: Master of Science in Chemistry, Topic: "Soft-landing of biomolecules and characterisation via photoemission electron microscopy", cooperation between Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM) and the University of Leipzig
- 2021 - today: Doctoral student in the Research Training Group "1,2,3H", University of Leipzig
- Sebastian Kawa (Finalising Doktoral Thesis)
- Fangshun Yang (Finalising Doktoral Thesis)