

Our research is funded by a Freigeist Fellowship of the Volkswagen Foundation, by the CRC "Polymers under multiple constraints" and the Research Training Group "Hydrogen Isotopes 1,2,3H". We thank the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie for a material cost allowence.

enlarge the image: Funding of the Working Group, Montage. J. Warneke
Funding of the Working Group, Montage. J. Warneke


Our primary goal is the utilization of molecular ions and their fragments – generated within a mass spectrometer – for the synthesis of condensed phase matter.

enlarge the image: Research Profile of the Group. Graphics: J. Warneke
Research Profile of the Group. Graphics: J. Warneke



enlarge the image: Ion Soft-landing Team Leipzig (employees of the Freigeist Group Leipzig University, the Joint Lab of the IOM and associated coworkers). Photo: Milena Barp
Ion Soft-landing Team Leipzig (employees of the Freigeist Group Leipzig University, the Joint Lab of the IOM and associated coworkers). Photo: Milena Barp


Positions in the Junior Research Group.


Completed Master- und Bachelorarbeiten and Extended Lab Courses

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