Before you can write the degree thesis of your studies, you must have provided certain credits according to your examination regulations. The registration of degree theses and research practical courses in the master's program always takes place through the office of study advice. On this page you will find all modalities for bachelor, master and research practical courses listed.
If you do not meet the completion deadlines of 23 weeks or 6 months, you have the option of submitting an informal application (in written form with signature of the first examiner + own signature) for an extension to the chair of the examination board (currently: Prof. Berthold Kersting). According to the examination regulations, this request should be submitted no later than 4 weeks before the submission date and, in general, should not exceed an additional period of up to 4 weeks (for Bachelor's theses) and up to 6 weeks (for research practical courses and Master's theses) In this application, the reason for the extension should be formulated as concretely as possible. Please send the application to studienbuero[at]
Sick certificates/attestations automatically extend the processing time by the time of illness.
Research topics of the working groups at the faculty
Research practical courses must be taken at two different institutes and under the supervision of three different university lecturers. The diploma theses also require a university lecturer from our faculty as the first supervisor. The research topics of the working groups (sorted by institutes) are deposited below in a PDF document. If there is no document available, please have a look at the website of the institutes and working groups.
Institute for Inorganic Chemistry and Crystallography Working Group Professor Kersting Working Group Professor Kohlmann | Institute for Organic Chemistry |
Institute for Analytical Chemistry | Institute for Bioanalytical Chemistry |
Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Working Group Professor Denecke Working Group Professor Tonner-Zech | Institute for Chemical Technology Working Group Dr. Sheppard (Vertretungsprofessur Professor Gläser) Institute for Didactics in Chemistry |
Bachelor Thesis
- You will receive the protocol for the bachelor thesis ("green sheet") in the Office of Study Affairs.
- Look for a suitable topic and supervisor. The topic is issued in consultation with the supervising university lecturer (faculty member).
- The following fields of the protocol must be filled in:
- Date of the beginning of the work
- Subject of the work
- Signature of the supervising university lecturer, the second examiner (this can also be a doctoral student who is authorized to examine) and the student on the form
- If the Bachelor's thesis is to be carried out at an institution outside the University of Leipzig, also a supervising university lecturer and the approval of the chairperson of the board of examinations is required.
- Immediate return of the signed form to the Office of Study Affairs.
- The deadline for submission will be added to the protocol.
- The chairman of the examination board countersigns the application and thereby confirms the topic and the processing time of the thesis.
- The processing period is 23 weeks. If a delay becomes apparent, a justified request for an extension must be submitted to the chair of the board of examination at least four weeks before the deadline expires.
- An electronic copy must be submitted in due time in pdf format to the Office of Study Affairs and at the same time to the reviewers. Please ask your reviewers if a printed copy is necessary and submit it to the Office of Study Affairs afterwards. After signing the printed copies, you can hand them over to the reviewers.
- In consultation with the reviewers, set a date for the colloquium (defense) of your thesis. This date must be communicated to the Office of Study Affairs (studienbuero[at] immediately so that the examination documents can be sent to the first examiner in time for the date. The duration of the colloquium including the subsequent discussion is 20 minutes.
If you are financed by Bafög, it is recommended to defend your Bachelor's thesis in September, so that you still receive Bafög in September and there is no financial gap between your Bachelor's and Master's studies.
Before you start an internship or thesis at an external institution, we would recommend a personal interview at the study office. Please come by during office hours or call! It is important to clarify the insurance coverage, that no payment takes place or, if applicable, confidentiality regulations.
All other information regarding the requirement, application, and completion can be found below.
Research Practical Courses
- Enrollment in a master's degree program
- only a few research practical courses have participation requirements
- almost all research practical courses can be apporached by the university lecturer or staff member of the working group without further preconditions
- research practical courses with participation requirements:
- 11-121-1116 "VP Bioorganic Chemistry" with prerequisite: "Participation in the module Bioorganic Chemistry 11-121-1112"
- 13-121-1114 "VP Bioanalytics" with prerequisite: "Participation in module 13-121-1118 or 13-121-1119"
- 13-121-1422 "VP Atmospheric Chemistry" with prerequisite: "Participation in module 13-121-1413"
- You can obtain the protocol for the advanced thesis ("yellow sheet") in the Office of Study Affairs or also as a PDF.
- Look for a suitable topic and supervisor. The topic is issued in consultation with the supervising university lecturer (faculty member).
- The following fields of the protocol must be completed:
- Date of beginning and end of the thesis (processing time: 6 months).
- Subject of the thesis, module title and number
- Signature of the supervising university lecturer and the student on the form.
- Prompt return of the signed form to the Office of Study Affairs.
The Faculty Council has decided that research practical courses which are not carried out at the faculty (e.g. abroad or at other universities in Germany) no longer have to be recognized via the module of a university lecturer (see timetable advanced internships). Nevertheless, you will need a professor who will evaluate the research practical course for you according to the regulations of the faculty. For the registration, a somewhat modified "yellow sheet" has to be filled out, on which, in addition to the professor of our faculty, also the supervisor of the external institution has to sign. You will receive the form for the registration in the office of study affairs after an advisory meeting.
Should you complete an additional research practical course with the same university lecturer here at the faculty, it is important that they do not overlap too much thematically. Please consult the Office of Study Affairs (in person or on the telephone!) before beginning your immersion internship at an external institution.
In general, no more than one research practical course should be completed at an external institution.
- The processing period is six months. If a delay becomes apparent, a justified request for an extension must be submitted to the Office of Study Affairs at least four weeks before the deadline.
- The work must only be submitted to the university lecturer by the deadline. The evaluation procedure (including the presentation of the research practical courses performance) must not exceed a period of 6 weeks.
Master thesis
- For the master programs "Chemistry", "Structural Chemistry and Spectroscopy" and "Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry" the completion of modules totalling 85 LP is required. The research practical courses must be completed, only one elective (compulsory) module may be outstanding.
In the master's program "Mineralogy and Materials Science" the completion of 60 LP is sufficient to apply for the master's thesis, at least two research practical courses must be completed.
- You will receive the protocol for the Master's thesis ("green sheet") in the Office of Study Affairs.
- Look for a suitable topic and supervisor. The topic is issued in consultation with the supervising university lecturer (member of the faculty).
- The following fields of the transcript must be completed:
- Date of the beginning of the work
- Subject of the work
- Signature of the supervising university lecturer, the second examiner (university lecturer) and the student on the form.
- If the Master's thesis is to be carried out at an institution outside the University of Leipzig, also a supervising university lecturer and the approval of the chairperson of the board of examinations is required.
- Prompt return of the signed form to the Office of Study Affairs.
- The deadline for submission is added to the protocol.
- The chairman of the examination board countersigns the application and thereby confirms the topic and the processing time of the work.
- The processing period is 23 weeks. If a delay becomes apparent, a justified request for an extension must be submitted to the chair of the board of examination at least four weeks before the deadline expires.
- An electronic copy must be submitted in due time in pdf format to the Office of Study Affairs and at the same time to the reviewers. Please ask your reviewers if a printed copy is necessary and submit it to the Office of Study Affairs afterwards. After signing the printed copies, you can hand them over to the reviewers.
- In consultation with the reviewers, set a date for the colloquium (defense) of your thesis. This date must be communicated to the Office of Study Affairs (studienbuero[at] immediately so that the examination documents can be sent to the first examiner in time for the date. The duration of the colloquium including the subsequent discussion is 20 minutes.