This is the group of Prof. Dr. Oliver Oeckler.

enlarge the image: Working group of Prof. Dr. Oliver Oeckler (Picture: Prof. H. Kohlmann)
Working group of Prof. Dr. Oliver Oeckler (Picture: Prof. H. Kohlmann)

Head of working goup

Prof. Dr. Oliver Oeckler

Institute of inorganic chemistry and crystallography
Johannisallee 29
04103 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-36251
Telefax: +49 341 97-36299

enlarge the image: Prof. Dr. Oliver Oeckler (Picture: Oliver Oeckler)
Prof. Dr. Oliver Oeckler (Picture: Oliver Oeckler)

Personal data

  • Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Oliver Michael Oeckler
  • Date and place of birth: October 12, 1970; Coburg (Bavaria), Germany
  • Parents: Jürgen and Marliese Oeckler

Primary School         

Higher Education         

Civilian Service         

University Education         

Employment,  Research & Teaching         


► Find a detailed CV (in german) HERE

► Find a list of all previous courses (in german) HERE

Countries visited (current score: 73)

Afghanistan Iraq Palestinian Territories
Austria Ireland Philippines
Azerbaijan Israel Poland
Bangladesh Italy Qatar
Belgium Japan Russia
Bhutan Jordan Saudi Arabia
Brunei Kazakhstan Singapore
Bulgaria Korea Slovenia
Cambodia Kyrgyzstan South Africa
Canada Laos Spain
China Latvia Sri Lanka
Croatia Lebanon Switzerland
Cyprus Lithuania Syria
Czech Republic Luxemburg Tajikistan
Denmark Macedonia Thailand
Finland Malaysia Turkey
France Maldives U.A.E.
Germany Malta Ukraine
Great Britain Moldova USA
Greece Morocco Uzbekistan
Hungary Myanmar Vietnam
Iceland Netherlands Yemen
India Nepal Yugoslavia
Indonesia Norway  
Iran Pakistan  


All trips (final destinations only)

2023    Jordan - Saudi Arabia - Moldova

2022    Thailand - Qatar

2021    Maldives

2020    Bhutan

2019    Philippines - Brunei - Korea - Cyprus

2018    Korea

2017    Laos - Thailand

2016    China - Ukraine - France

2015    Nepal - Croatia

2014    Bangladesh - Turkey

2013    Israel - Palestinian Territrories - Indonesia - Great Britain

2012    Indonesia

2011    Cambodia - Thailand - Russia - Spain

2010    Malta - Russia - Vietnam

2009    Thailand - Turkey

2008    Japan - Finland - Latvia - Lithuania

2007    Thailand - Morocco

2006    Azerbaijan - Iran  - Sri Lanka - UAE - Belgium

2005    Malaysia - Vietnam - Thailand - Italy - Great Britain (North)

2004    Cambodia - Thailand - Singapore

2003    Myanmar - Thailand - South Africa - Switzerland - Netherlands - Austria

2002    Yemen - Iran - Afghanistan - Russia (St Petersburg) - Switzerland
            Kazakhstan - Uzbekistan - Kyrgyzstan - Tajikistan - Afghanistan - Pakistan - UAE

2001    Iraq - Syria - Lebanon - Norway - Poland - Germany

2000    Thailand - Laos - France - Germany (Expo2000)

1999    Great Britain (Scotland) - France (no other trips because of computer crash)

1998    Czech Republic - Great Britain (South) - India

1997    Germany (no other trips because of final exams)

1996    Japan

1995    Russia

1994    USA (West) - Russia - Germany (Southwest) - Luxemburg - Czech Republic

1993    USA (East) - Canada - Denmark

1992    Iceland - Germany (East) - Austria

1991    Ireland

1990    Germany (Berlin)

1989    Great Britain (England, Scotland, Wales)

1988    no trip (cancelled)

1987    Turkey (East, Kurdistan)

1986    Turkey (East / South)

1985    Turkey (Central / West)

1984    Turkey (West coast)

1983    Italy (Northeast)

1982    Greece

1981    Greece

1980    Italy (Northwest)

1979    Italy (Sicily)

1978    Italy (Northeast)

1975    Italy (South)

Current members of the group

M.A. Franziska Kling

Institute of inorganic chemistry and crystallography
Johannisallee 29
04103 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-36250
Telefax: +49 341 97-36299

N.N. Currently not staffed

B. Sc. Sebastian Geisler

Telephone: +49 341 97-36266

M. Sc. Maxim Grauer

Topic: Exploring Thermoelectric Chalcogenides: Synchrotron Insights into Structure-Property Relationships

M. Sc. Matthias Jakob

Topic: Influences of charge carrier and ion mobility on thermoelectric materials

M. Sc. Tobias Juhlke

Topic: Characterisation of low-valence 13th group atoms

M. Sc. Lennart Staab

Topic: Structure and stability of disordered (copper) chalcogenides as thermoelectrics

M. Sc. Paul Kemmesies

Topic: Nano- and microstructures and their influence of the thermoelectric properties of chalcogenides

M. Sc. Maik Lehnert

Topic: Multinary chalcogenides - new synthetic routes, electron crystallography and properties

Telephone: +49 341 97-36274

M. Sc. Tiago Cordeiro

Topic: Charge density waves in Rare Earth Pnictogen Chlacogenides

Telephone: +49 341 97-36274

M. Sc. Mahboubeh Moslemi

Topic: Synthesis, structure and thermoelectric characterization of tetrahedrite compounds

Telephone: +49 341 97-36274

Dipl.-Ing. Paul Sicher

Topic: comming soon

Telephone: +49 341 97-36274


  • Dr. Matthias Schneider (Ph.D. 2011): Real structure - property relationships of metastable ternary antimony tellurides and related compounds
  • Dr. Tobias Rosenthal (Ph.D. 2014): Transmission electron microscopy and properties of thermoelectric chalcogenides and luminescent oxonitridosilicates
  • Dr. Thorsten Schröder (Ph.D. 2014): Synthesis, thermal behavior and thermoelectric properties of disordered tellurides with structures derived from the rocksalt type
  • Dr. Philipp Urban (Ph. D. 2015): Structure elucidation of disordered multinary layered tellurides by X-ray diffraction
  • Dr. Felix Fahrnbauer (Ph. D. 2015): From point defects to heterostructures:Thermoelectric tellurides and the use of synchrotron radiation for the elucidation of their structure
  • Dr. Simon Welzmiller (Ph. D. 2015): Solid solutions of pnicogen tellurides – Resonant X-ray diffraction and physical properties
  • Dr. Lukas Neudert (Ph. D. 2017, co-supervised with Prof. Schnick): Transmission Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Diffraction – Joint Characterization of Nitride Networks and Thermoelectric Tellurides
  • Dr. Frank Heinke (Ph. D. 2018): Mineral-Inspired multinary selenides and tellurides as model systems for thermoelectric materials and the benefit of synchrotron radiation for their structure analysis
  • Dr. Daniel Souchay (Ph. D. 2019): Thermoelectric properties of layered compounds and their heterostructured variants
  • Dr. Stefan Schwarzmüller (Ph. D. 2019): The influence of substitutions with Li, Na, Ag, Cu, Sn and In in germanium antimony tellurides on phase formation, atom mobility and thermoelectric properties
  • Dr. Markus Nentwig (Ph. D. 2019): Structure elucidation of long-periodic layered chalcogenides, oxonitridophosphates and oxide nitrides with synchrotron radiation
  • Dr. Peter Schultz (Ph. D. 2022): Structure determination of complex modular and modulated structures by resonant- and synchrotron microdiffraction
  • Dr. Lucien Eisenburger (Ph. D. 2022, co-supervised with Prof. Schnick): NH4F-Assisted High-Pressure Synthesis of Novel Nitrides and Atomic-Resolution Chemical Mapping by STEM
  • Dr. Daniel Günther (Ph. D. 2023): Structural chemistry, thermal behavior and decomposition of oxonitridophosphates and related compounds
  • Dr. Christina Fraunhofer (Ph. D. 2023): Temperature dependency of structures and properties of thermoelectric chalcogenides with transition metals

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